1. |
Light a Bunsen burner. Attach a glass capillary to a
second gas line, and light the gas flowing out of the
tip of the capillary. |
2. |
Bring the tip of the capillary carefully to the side of the
hot zone of the Bunsen burner flame, so that it begins to
melt the tip of the capillary (noticeable in that the flame
flowing past the contact area acquires a yellow colouring).
The melting of the tip causes the passage through the capillary
tip to constrict. When this happens too fast, the capillary
tip closes completely. |
3. |
With a bit of practice, the melting of the tip can be stopped
just before complete closure, so that a minimal channel
remains, allowing for a minimal stream of gas to burn in a
miniflame. |