Waruno MahdisSummary List of Publications(see details in lists of linguistic & chemistry publications, and publicist writings)peer reviewed & non-peer reviewed |
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2020 return to top W. Mahdi, Review of Jürg Schneider (2019, Vom Gebrauch der Philologie: Der Luzerner Sprachforscher Renward Brandstetter (18601942). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag). Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land, en Volkenkunde 176: 414416.
2018 return to top W. Mahdi, The First Standard Grammar of Malay: George Werndlys 1736 Maleische Spraakkunst. Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia 19: 257290.W. Mahdi, Früheste Berichte über Indonesien von deutschen Reisenden, Präsentation für die Deutsch-Indonesische Vereinigung Berlin am Jour fixe vom 6. März 2018 im Restaurant Tuk Tuk.
2017 return to top W. Mahdi, A rediscovered 1696 decree poster of the Governor General in Batavia, with unexpected stylistic particularities. Archipel 93: 84108.W. Mahdi, Pre-Austronesian origins of seafaring in Insular Southeast Asia. In Andrea Acri, Roger Blench & Alexandra Landmann (eds.), Spirits and Ships: Cultural Transfers in Early Monsoon Asia. pp. 325374. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.
2016 return to top W. Mahdi, Origins of Southeast Asian Shipping and Maritime Communication across the Indian Ocean. In Gwyn Campbell (ed.), Early Exchange between Africa and the Wider Indian Ocean World, pp. 2549, Palgrave Series in Indian Ocean World Studies. Palgrave Macmillan. Springer Nature.W. Mahdi, The role of Internet in bringing down the Soeharto regime in Indonesia, presentation at the KITLV international conference: Digital Disruption in Asia: Methods and Issues, in the hortus botanics, Leiden, 24-25 May 2016.W. Mahdi, Linguistic variety in later nineteenth-century Dutch-edited Malay publications. In Yanti & Tim McKinnon (eds.), Studies in language typology and change. NUSA 60: 107185.
2015 return to top W. Mahdi, Script and Language of the Tanjung Tanah Manuscript. In Uli Kozok, A 14th Century Malay Code of Laws: The Nītisārasamuccaya, with contributions by Thomas Hunter, Waruno Mahdi, John Miksic, pp. 162220.
Singapore: ISEAS.
2013 return to top W. Mahdi, À propos de The Problems of the Ancient Nama Java and the Role of Satyavarman in Southeast Asian International Relations Around the Turn of the Ninth Century CE, Archipel 86: 229234 (2013).
2012 return to top W. Mahdi, "Distinguishing Cognate Homonyms in Indonesian", Oceanic Linguitics 51: 402449 (2012). [online at Project MUSE]W. Mahdi, "Renward Brandstetters comparative analysis of the Indonesian Mind". In: Robert Blust and Jürg Schneider (eds.), A World of Words: Revisiting the Work of Renward Brandstetter (18601942) on Lucerne and Austronesia, Frankfurter Forschungen zu Südostasien 8, pp. 105132. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.W. Mahdi, Review of Gerd R. Zimmermann (2010, Die Besiedlung Madagaskars durch <Indonesier>. Nackenheim/Rh: Edition Matahari). Internationales Asienforum / International Quarterly for Asian Studies 43: 138140 (2012).W. Mahdi, Review of John U. Wolff (2010, Proto-Austronesian Phonology with Glossary, vols. I-II. Ithaca [NY]: Southeast Asia Program Publications, Cornell University), Archipel 83: 214222 (2012).W. Mahdi, "Bifurcation of Commercial Tradition in West Indonesia, 18501930, as Reflected in Contemporaneous Malay Print Publishing". Asian Journal of Social Science 40: 100132 (2012). [DOI = 10.1163/156853112X632557]
2010 return to top W. Mahdi, Comment, pp. 242243 in: Mark Donohue and Tim Denham, Farming and Language in Island Southeast Asia: Reframing Austronesian History, Current Anthropology 51:223256 (2010).
2009 return to top W. Mahdi, "In search of an historical Sea-People Malay dialect with -aba-". In Alexander Adelaar and Andrew Pawley (eds.), Austronesian historical linguistics and culture history: a festschrift for Robert Blust, Pacific Linguistics 601, pp. 7389. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.W. Mahdi, Malayic Sea-People crews on shipping across the Indian Ocean (approximately 400 BCE 500 CE), contribution to: Ancient Indian Ocean Corridors conference at the School of Archaeology, Oxford, 78 November 2009.W. Mahdi, "A Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics, Hot and Cool Languages, Dressed and Undressed Ones, and More (Leiden, 2628 June 2008)", Archipel 77:37.W. Mahdi, Review of Ricky Ganang, Jay Crain, Vicky Pearson-Round (2008, Kemaloh Lundayeh - English Dictionary, Borneo Research Council Reference Series No. 1. Phillips [ME]: Borneo Research Council), Archipel 77:226229.
2008 return to top W. Mahdi, Review of Russell Jones (gen. ed., 2007, Loan-words in Indonesian and Malay, Compiled by the Indonesian Etymological Project. Leiden: KITLV Press), Archipel 76:318322.W. Mahdi, "Bilinguisme et communication sociale" (trad. par Jacqueline Camus). In Johanna Lederer et al. (eds.), Lauteur dépaysé. Ecrivains de double appartenance culturelle, deuxième édition de la journée des dix heures pour la littérature indonésienne, 28 octobre 2006, pp. 19-22. Paris: Association franco-indonésienne Pasar Malam [2008].W. Mahdi, "Yavadvipa and the Merapi Volcano in West Sumatra", Archipel 75:111143.
2007 return to top W. Mahdi, Malay Words and Malay Things: Lexical Souvenirs from an Exotic Archipelago in German Publications before 1700, Frankfurter Forschungen zu Südostasien 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-447-05492-8);
[Google Book online repro]
2006 return to top W. Mahdi, "The beginnings and reorganization of the Commissie voor de Volkslectuur (1908 1920)". In Fritz Schulze and Holger Warnk (eds.), Insular Southeast Asia: Linguistic and Cultural Studies in Honour of Bernd Nothofer, pp. 85110. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (ISBN: 978-3-447-05477-5). [Google Book online repro]Collaboration in:
Uli Kozok, Kitab undang-Undang Tanjung Tanah: Naskah Melayu yang Tertua. Yayasan Naskah Nusantara. Alih Aksara: Hassan Djafar, Ninie Susanti Y., dan Waruno Mahdi. Alih Bahasa: Achadiati Ikram, I Kuntara Wiryamartana, Karl Anderbeck, Thomas Hunter, Uli Kozok, dan Waruno Mahdi. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia (ISBN: 979-461-603-6).
2005 return to top W. Mahdi, "Malagasy". In Philipp Strazny (ed.), Encyclopedia of Linguistics, pp. 641644. New York & Oxon: Fitzroy Dearborn (ISBN: 978-1579583910).W. Mahdi, "Old Malay". In Alexander Adelaar & Nikolaus P. Himmelmann (eds.), The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar, pp. 182201. London & New York: Routledge (ISBN: 978-0-7007-1286-1). [online repro at GoogleBooks]
2004 return to top W. Mahdi, Rekonsiliasi dan Integrasi di Masa Globalisasi. Jakarta: Penerbit Suara Bebas (ISBN: 979-98200-0-6).
2002 return to top W. Mahdi, Review of H. Steinhauer (2001, Leerboek Indonesisch. Leiden: KITLV Uitgeverij)", Oceanic Linguistics 41:525528. [online repro at JSTOR]W. Mahdi, "Inconsistent Distinction of Possessive and Qualitative Nominal Attribution in Indonesian". In K. Alexander Adelaar & Robert Blust (eds.), Between Worlds: linguistic papers in memory of David John Prentice, Pacific linguistics 529, pp. 111137. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (ISBN: 0 85883 478 2). [online pdf at SEALang archives]
2001 return to top W. Mahdi, "Personal nominal words in Indonesian: an anomaly in morphological classification". In Joel Bradshaw & Kennneth L. Rehg (eds.), Issues in Austronesian morphology: a focusschrift for Byron Bender, Pacific linguistics 519, pp. 166192. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (ISBN: 0 85883 485 5).W. Mahdi, "Melancong ke Dunia Marxisme-Leninisme", Kalam 17:55-122.
2000 return to top W. Mahdi, Review of J.G. de Casparis (1997, Sanskrit loan-words in Indonesian; An annotated check-list of words from Sanskrit in Indonesian and Traditional Malay, NUSA Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and Other Languages in Indonesia 41. Jakarta: Badan Penyelenggara Seri NUSA, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya)", Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 156:844852.W. Mahdi, Review of A. Teeuw (1998, De ontwikkeling van een woordschat; Het Indonesisch 19451995, Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen [nieuwe reeks] 61/5. Amsterdam: Koningklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen), Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 156:154165.W. Mahdi, Comment to M. Lemonick (2000, "Innovators on the Edge: Adventures in Antigravity", TIME, vol. 156 no. 6, p. 54), TIME [Europe editon] September 4, 2000, p. 11. [digital copy]W. Mahdi, "Umat Islam Indonesia dan Ideologi Komunis", TEMPO, vol. 29 no.14 (June 5), pp. 112-113. [digital copy]
1999 return to top W. Mahdi, "Linguistic and Philological Data towards Dating Austronesian Activity in India and Sri Lanka". In Roger Blench & Matthew Spriggs (eds.), Archaeology and Language IV: Language Change and cultural Transformation, pp. 160242. London & New York: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-11786-0). [online repro at GoogleBooks]W. Mahdi, "The Dispersal of Austronesian Boat Forms in the Indian Ocean". In Roger Blench & Matthew Spriggs (eds.), Archaeology and Language III: Artefacts, languages and texts, pp. 144179. London & New York: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-10054-2).W. Mahdi, "Indonesia on the net", Inside Indonesia, no. 58 (April-June 1999), p. 32.
1998 return to top W. Mahdi, "Transmission of Southeast Asian Cultigens to India and Sri Lanka". In Roger Blench & Matthew Spriggs (eds.), Archaeology and Language II: Archaeological Data and Linguistic Hypotheses, pp. 390415. London & New York: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-11761-5).
[online repro at GoogleBooks]W. Mahdi, Pragmatika Gerakan Demokrasi. [Jakarta]: Daya Cipta Baru.
1996 return to top W. Mahdi, "Another Look at Proto-Austronesian *d and *D". In Bernd Nothofer (ed.), Reconstruction, Classification, Description Festschrift in Honor of Isidore Dyen, Abera Network Asia-Pacific 3, pp. 114. Hamburg: Abera (ISBN: 9783931567040).W. Mahdi, "Confirmation of an Etymology: xsalaka money silver&$146;", Oceanic Linguistics 35:142. [online repro at JSTOR]
1995 return to top W. Mahdi, "Wie hießen die Malaien, bevor sie Malaien hießen?". In A. Bormann, A. Graf, M. Voss (eds.), Südostasien und Wir: Grundsatzdiskussionen und Fachbei träge. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Südostasien und Ozeanien Hamburg 1993, Austronesiana. Studien zum austronesischen Südostasien und Ozeanien 1, pp. 162176. Hamburg: LIT-Verlag (ISBN: 978-3-8258-2014-9).
1994 return to top W. Mahdi, "Some Austronesian Maverick Protoforms with Culture-Historical Implications II", Oceanic Linguistics 33:431490. [online repro at JSTOR]W. Mahdi, "Some Austronesian Maverick Protoforms with Culture-Historical Implications I", Oceanic Linguistics 33:167229. [online repro at JSTOR]J. Wellenbüscher, M. Muhler, W. Mahdi, U. Sauerlandt. J. Schütze, G. Ertl, R. Schlögl, "Ruthenium supported on zeolite A: preparation and characterization of a stable catalyst for ammonia synthesis", Catalysis Letters 25:61-74. [DOI = 10.1007/BF00815416]J. Schütze, W. Mahdi, B. Herzog, R. Schlögl, "On the stucture of the activated iron catalyst for ammonia synthesis", Topics in Catalysis 1:195-214. [DOI = 10.1007/BF01492276]
1993 return to top W. Mahdi, "Distinguishing Homonymic Wordforms in Indonesian". in Ger P. Reesink (ed.), Topics in Descriptive Austronesian Linguistics, Semaian 11, pp. 181216. Leiden: Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azië en Oceanië (ISBN: 9073084121).M. Kranz, H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, G. Müller, F. Hampel, T. Clark, R. Hacker, W. Neugebauer, A. J. Kos, P. von Ragué Schleyer, "!,5-Dilithiated Arenes: Double Metal Bridging Verified by Three X-ray Structures and MNDO Calculations", Journal of the American Chemical Society 115:4698-4704. [DOI = 10.1021/ja00064a034]
1992 return to top W. Mahdi, U. Sauerlandt, J. Wellenbüscher, J. Schütze, M. Muhler, G. Ertl, R. Schlögl, "Application of Ru exchange zeolite-Y in ammonia synthesis:, Catalysis Letters 14:339-348. [DOI = 10.1007/BF00769672]F. Atamny, J. Blöcker, A. Dübotzky, H. Kurt, O. Timpe, G. Loose, W. Mahdi, R. Schlögl, "Surface chemistry of carbon: activation of molecular oxygen", Molecular Physics 76:851-886. [DOI = 10.1080/00268979200101731]J. Wellenbüscher, U. Sauerlandt, W. Mahdi, G. Ertl, R. Schlögl, "Surface Characterization of the Ruthenium-exchanged Y-zeolite used in ammonia synthesis", Surface Interface Analysis 18:650-654. [DOI = 10.1002/sia.740180903]
1991 return to top W. Mahdi, J. Schütze, G. Weinberg, R. Schoonmaker, R. Schlögl, G. Ertl, "Microstructure of the activated industrial ammonia synthesis catalyst", Catalysis Letters 11:19-32. [DOI = 10.1007/BF00866897]
1988 return to top W. Mahdi, Morphophonologische Besonderheiten und historische Phonologie des Malagasy, Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für indonesische und Südseesprachen der Universität Hamburg 20. Berlin / Hamburg: Reimer (ISBN: 978-3-496-00933-0).H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, W. Storck, "Kristall- und Molekülstruktur von 2,6-Dimethoxyphenyllithium", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 349:1-10. [DOI = 10.1016/0022-328X(88)80431-5]W.N. Setzer, P. von Ragué Schleyer, W. Mahdi, H. Dietrich, "The crystal structure of the reaction product of n-butyllithium with 7.8-benzoquinoline", Tetrahedron 44:3339-3342. [DOI = 10.1016/S0040-4020(01)85967-6].
1987 return to top R. Hacker, E. Kaufmann, P. von Ragué Schleyer, W. Mahdi, H. Dietrich, "Die Röntgenstruktur von N-Lithiocarbazol-Dimer: Experimentelle Bestätigung der theoretischen Analyse von Strukturen des N-Lithiopyrrol-Typs", Chemische Berichte 120:1533-1538 [DOI = 10.1002/cber.19871200911]U. Schümann, E. Weiss, H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, "Über Metallalkyl- und aryl-Verbindungen XXXV. Zur StruKtur von Allyllithium. Darstellung und Kristallstruktur einer monomeren Allyllithium-Verbindung, Allyl(pentamethyldiethylentriamin)lithium, LiC3H5(Me2NC2H4N(Me)C2H4NMe2)", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 322:299-307. [DOI = 10.1016/S0022-328X(00)99358-6]
1986 return to top H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, R. Knorr, "Structure of a Metalated Schiff Base" Journal of the American Chemical Society 108:2462-2464. [DOI = 10.1021/ja00269a064]C. Schade, P. von Ragué Schleyer, H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, "Pentacoordinate Carbon in Trigonal-Bipyramidal Symmetry. The Eight-Membered Ring X-ray Structure of Tetrakis(benzylsoodium-N,N,N',N'-tetra-methylethylenediamine)", Journal of the American Chemical Society 108:2484-2485. [DOI = 10.1021/ja00269a078]
1985 return to top P. von Ragué Schleyer, R. Hacker, H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, "the Eight-membered Ring Structure of an alpha-Lithio-2,6-dimethylpyridine-Tetra- methylenediamine (TMEDA) Dimer", JCS Chemical Communications 1985:622-623. [DOI = 10.1039/C39850000622]D. Wilhelm, T. Clark, P. von Ragué Schleyer, H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, "Double Lithium Bridging: the Structure of 1,4-dilithio-1,4-diphenyl-cis-2-butene", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 280:C6-C10. [DOI = 10.1016/0022-328X(85)87074-1]
1984 return to top H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, D. Wilhelm, T. Clark, P. von Ragué Schleyer, "Struktur eines Y-konjugierten Dilithium-Salzes eines alpha,alpha'-Ketodianions: 1,3-Dilithiumdibenzylketon-(Me2NCH2CH2NMe2)2", Angewandte Chemie 96:623-625. [DOI = 10.1002/ange.19840960835]
English version:
"Structure of a Y-Conjugated Dilithium Salt of an alpha,alpha'-Keto Dianion: 1,3-Dilithiodibenzyl Ketone-(Me2NCH2CH2NMe2)2", Angewandte Chemie International Edition 23:621-622. [DOI = 10.1002/anie.198406211]D. Wilhelm, H. Dietrich, T. Clark, W. Mahdi, A.J. Kos, P. von Ragué Schleyer, "Dilithium Tribenzylidenemethane-2TMEDA: The First X-ray Structure of a Y-Conjugated Trimethylenemethane Dianion Derivative", Journal of the American Chemical Society 106:7279-7280. [DOI = 10.1021/ja00335a088]G. Boche, G. Decher, H. Etzrodt, H. Dietrich, W. Mahdi, A.J. Kos, P. von Ragué Schleyer, "X-Ray Crystal Structure of [{o-C6H4(CHPh)2}{Li(tmeda)}2] (tmeda=Me2NCH2CH2NMe2), Unsymmetrical Lithium Bridging and (E,E)-Conformation of the Phenyl Groups", JCS Chemical Communications 1984:1493-1494. [DOI = 10.1039/C39840001493]
1981 return to top W. Mahdi, "Some Problems of the Phonology of Metropolitan Indonesian", Bijdragen tot de Taal, Land- en Volkenkunde 137:399418.
1978 return to top A.И. Яшин, E.И. Tинякoвa, Ю.B. Bpянцeвa, K.Г. Mиeccepoв, B. Maxди, B.A. Дoлгoплocк, "Cинтeз oлигoмepниx пи-aллилниx кoмплeкcoв нa ocнoвe peaкции тpиизoбyтилaлюминии c гaлoгeнидaми никeля и кoбaлтa", Иzvestия Aкadeмии Nayк CCCP - Cepия Xимичecкaя 27:1404-1410.
English version:
"Synthesis of oligomeric pi-allylic complexes on the basis of reactions of triisobutylaluminum with nickel and cobalt halides", Russian Chemical Bulletin 27:1608-1614 [doi: 10.1007/BF00946881]
1976 return to top B. Maxди, Бeзaфикcaльныe cлoвoфopмы-oмoнимы в индoнeзийcкoм языкe (Affixless homonymic Wordforms in Indonesian). In Teзиcы диcкyccии Tипoлoгия кaк paздeл языкoзнaния, pp. 118120. Mocквa: Hayкa.![]()